0Thursday-Friday-Saturday, 23-24-25 December 2010
23 Dec – Night-O – Eshkol National Park, near Ashkelon
24 Dec – Competition Day 1 – Eshkol National Park
25 Dec – Competition Day 2 – Ben Shemen Forest – Gimzo, near Lod
Courses & Categories
Family (non-competitive)
Shorty (1.5-2 km) Boys/Girls
Short (3-4 km) – W13, M13
Short+ Women (3.5 km) – W15, W21C, W40, W45, W50, W55, W60, W65, W75
Short+ Men (3.5 km) – M55, M60, M65, M70, M75, M80
Medium A (5-6 km) – W21B, W35, M45, M50
Medium B (5-6 km) – M15, M21C, M35B
Medium+ (6-7 km) – W21A, M17, M21B, M40
Long (7-9 km) – M21A, M35
Maps & Photos
Eshkol National Park
Ben Shemen Forest – Gimzo
Getting There
Eshkol National Park: From Gilat junction drive west on Route 241. The park is a 15-minutes drive west of the town of Ofakim.
Ben Shemen Forest – Gimzo: Highway 1 / Route 443 – Ben Shemen interchange.
Start Times
Night-O: (23 December) 20:00-21:00
Competition Day 1: (24 December) 9:00 to 11:00
Competition Day 2: (25 December) 9:00 to 11:00.
Start lists will be published several days prior to event.
The Night-O is a 3.5 km course for all participants.
The park gate is locked after 16:00.
The gate will open on Thursday evening for 15 minutes, between 19:00-19:15, to allow entrance of participants in the Night-O event. The gate will then remain locked until Friday morning.
Park Fees
Adult: 20 NIS
Child: 9 NIS
Senior Citizen: 10 NIS
Members of Israel Nature and Parks Authority: free
Overnight camping: 30 NIS
Room (sleeps 6): 300 NIS (Call park for reservation: +972-8-998-5110)
50 NIS per event (non-ISOA members)
10 NIS EMIT card rental, per event
To guarantee your start time and use of an electronic punch, you must register no later than 4 days prior to the event.
Health and Safety
ISOA will provide first-aid at each competition site. Emergency care and major hospitals are within a 30-minute drive from each of the competition sites. ISOA will not bear responsibility related to medical costs for participants.
Awards Ceremony
Winning scores are a cumulative two-day total. Medals will be awarded for each category at the conclusion of the second day of competition.
Contact Info
For more information, and to register, send email to: ISOA Info/Registration
More Info
About Eshkol National Park
2009 Winter Cup at Park Eshkol – Israel Sports Television
Scene from 2009 Winter Cup at Park Eshkol – filmed by Pavel Levitzky